Issue Date of This Version 1/08/2024

Review Period for This Document - One Year from Original Issue

Due Date for Review/Expiry 1/08/2025

Statement of general policy
  1. It is the policy of the Academy recognising its statutory duty, to conduct its business without, as far as is reasonably practicable, harming its staff, students and visitors or the environment. The Academy aims to discharge this duty to the best of its ability within the resources available, having due regard to its other statutory obligations.
  2. The Officer who will have overall responsibility for the discharge of that duty will be the Principal. He will be assisted, within their respective spheres of responsibility, by the other members of the Directorate. It is, however, a fundamental aspect of the Academy policy that health and safety responsibilities devolve on all employees.
  3. In discharging its duty, the Academy will take all steps which are reasonably practicable to meet its health, safety and welfare responsibilities; in particular it will pay attention to the provision and maintenance of:
  • safe equipment and systems of work
  • safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transportation of articles and substances
  • sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision as are necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of all employees.
  • the need to assess the risks that its activities present, to avoid or eliminate them, and if that is not possible, to minimize and control them with the provision of the necessary resources.
  • any place of work under the employers control in a condition that is safe and without risk to health including means of access and egress.
  • adequate health and welfare facilities.
4- Subject to any Regulations that may be made by the Secretary of State and to consideration of any Codes of Practice approved and issued by the Health and Safety Commission, the Academy will consult with its employees with a view to making and maintaining arrangements which will enable the Academy and its employees to co-operate effectively in preparing and developing measures to ensure the health and safety at work of the employees and in checking the effectiveness of such measures.
5- In addition to the individual’s common law duty of care, the Academy reminds its employees of their own statutory duties and responsibilities under Sections 7 and 8 of the Health and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974; these are:
  • to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of other persons
  • to co-operate with the Academy so far as is reasonably practicable to enable it to carry out its own responsibilities successfully
  • not to interfere with or misuse equipment, materials or facilities provided in the interest of health, safety or welfare in pursuance of any legal obligations
6- The nature of the Academy’s business involves a wide range of activities conducted from these premises. Specific health and safety responsibilities and arrangements for implementing the general health and safety policy will be clearly defined by individual Departments.
7- The Statement of General Policy will be reviewed by the Health and Safety Committee at regular intervals. All departmental health and safety policy documents will be subject to regular review by Heads of Section. Any amendments will be brought to the notice of the staff and students concerned.

Health and Safety Policy

1. Introduction
This document is intended to help all those who will be concerned in maintaining a high profile in respect of health and safety. It clearly defines individual responsibilities; gives detailed action to take in the case of emergencies and highlights areas which are particularly hazardous. Some sections will not be applicable to all staff.
2. Academy safety policy
It is essential that everyone in the Academy is aware of, and becomes familiar with, procedures for dealing with matters concerning health and safety, such as emergencies and the treatment of injured persons. This document will not itself produce a safe working environment; without the cooperation of all.

Organization of safe working conditions in the Academy

The Academy has delegated responsibilities to the Principal. The Principal accepts these responsibilities and insists that the following matters are dealt with on a continuing basis:
1. Safety inspection
Action to ensure a safe and healthy working environment. This will be achieved by inspections of the working environment carried out regularly by the appropriate Head of Faculty or his/her delegate. A record of each inspection will be kept and remedial action taken.
2. Personal protective equipment
The wearing of Personal Protective Clothing is mandatory for all staff, students and visitors where the risk assessment has advised this to be the course of action to reduce risk of harm. Clear guidelines will be given by the staff to students at the beginning of their course. A Personal Protective Clothing Register will be maintained by the Health and Safety Coordinator.
3. Fire notices
These notices will be displayed in all classrooms, offices and on notice boards throughout the Academy. All students will have their attention drawn to the fire notices during induction week. Fire drills will take place at regular intervals with a minimum of one per term. Impact A&C to strictly follow the School premises’ Fire procedures, where space is rented out. A record of these drills is maintained in the Fire Log, located in the Health & Safety Coordinator’s office. All new staff and students will be informed of what to do in the case of fire by their respective Head of Section, their Course Manager or the Academy Health & Safety Coordinator. All staff must know how to use the fire equipment in their work area and must ensure that students know the fire procedures and can carry them out. At intervals, demonstrations in the use of fire fighting equipment will be arranged for staff and students by the Academy Health & Safety Coordinator. In cases where lessons are held on rented premises within Schools, the fire notice of that school will be applied and all staff and students will be instructed in accordance with the premise (School)’s own fire notices, and subject to the premises fire drills.
4. First aid
Details of the Academy’s first aid facilities will be displayed on notice boards and/or available in classrooms upon parents’ request. Rooms containing first aid boxes will have the white cross on a green background sign. Impact A&C to strictly follow the School’s premises fire procedures where space is rented out. Usually, Impact A&C will rely on school to have the notices displayed on the board for the fire procedures and Impact A&C to ensure this is available. A list of all those holding recognised First Aid Certificates is displayed. First aid can be administered only by those with appropriate qualifications.
5. New Hazards
Any new plant, products, equipment or premises will be risk assessed by the Head of Department and the Academy Health & Safety Coordinator and the risk assessment implemented before the plant, products, equipment or premises are used.

Safety Reporting

1. Health and safety representatives
Each Department (as defined by the membership of the Health & Safety Committee) will nominate a Health & Safety Representative to attend the Health & Safety Committee, if an when applicable. The functions of the Safety Representative are:
  • To communicate to the Committee any complaints by any employee he/she represents relating to that employee’s health, safety or welfare at work.
  • To promote health and safety in the workplace.
  • To attend meetings of the Health & Safety Committee to which he/she has been appointed and to produce written reports to that committee as requested.
2. Hazard reporting
Any suspected hazard will be reported to the Head of Department who, after investigation, will bring the matter to the notice of the Health and Safety Coordinator or, in his absence, the Principal responsible for health and safety without delay. Any employee whose work involves a hazard is authorized to cease the activity concerned until the hazard has been reported and the Head of Section confirms or rejects the action taken.
3. Accidents
It is the policy of the Academy to take all reasonably practicable steps to avoid accidents occurring. In the event of an accident, the first concern will be the care of the person or persons who have suffered injury. The accident will be reported to the persons detailed on the incident report form. The reporter shall ensure that adequate arrangements are made for the care of any injured persons. It will be policy to investigate all accidents, including those not involving injury, and arrangements for the investigation will be made by the Health & Safety Coordinator who will report the result of the investigation to the Academy Health & Safety Committee.
4. Safety Rules / Codes of Practice
Certain safety rules are essential to ensure the health and safety of the employees who work in the areas to which they relate. This applies particularly to the laboratories, workshops, kitchens and fire precautions. Such rules as are considered necessary will be drawn up in consultation with representatives of the employees and will be attached to this document as codes of practice.
5. Contractors on site
If applicable, separate procedures are laid down for contractors and visitors to site and are attached to the main Health and Safety Policy.
6. Hazard identification
All activities, processes, substances and work places must be risk assessed under the direction of the Managers identified within this policy.
7. COSHH assessment
Attention is brought to the Academy-wide COSHH Assessment. Steps must be taken to conform to these Assessments. The central COSHH Assessment register is held by the Academy Health & Safety Coordinator, where applicable. All activities involved with substances must be risk assessed. Given that lessons are held on school premises, the Principal is responsible to check with the school on their local COSHH assessment register and any other specific rules that must apply to the Academy as well.
8. House-keeping
The Academy attaches importance to the need for good house-keeping practices. It is a policy to ensure that floors are kept free of anything that may cause slipping or tripping and that no waste materials which could cause injury if trodden on are allowed to remain where they fall. Items stored on shelves will be stored in such a way as to ensure that they do not cause injury to anyone working in the vicinity or to anyone passing by. Rubbish should not be allowed to accumulate in any working area and passageways should be kept clear at all times. All classrooms are maintained clean on the premises where the lessons with students are held.
9. Special hazards
Portable electric mains operated equipment will be used only where this does not entail trailing power leads across walkways. Inflammable liquids will not be permitted in any room in the Academy in quantities that are in excess of that required to meet immediate needs and no radiant heat source will be used in any circumstances in which such use could incur a risk of fire or explosion. Food and drinks should be kept away from electrical equipment.
10. Maintenance and inspection of machinery
It is the policy of the Academy to ensure that all equipment and machinery used by the Academy should be maintained in accordance with the instructions issued by the manufacturer.
Where manufacturers’ instructions are not available, the Head of Department/ Programme Leader will seek advice from the Health & Safety Coordinator or other specialised third party consultants to obtain such advice as may be needed for preparing those instructions.
No maintenance will be carried out on any equipment or machinery while it is in use and it will be the responsibility of the operator to ensure that all power operated equipment is isolated from the source of power before maintenance work begins and that power is not restored until after the person who carries out the maintenance gives formal notification that the maintenance work has been completed. Appropriate records will be kept by the Main Office, if and when necessary. All electrical equipment will be checked and inspected regularly, every 9 months. If an issue occurs, the equipment will be taken to a specialised electrical expert and will be put again in use only if and when it is safe to do so, as instructed by an electrical expert. Check the Use of Device Policy for more information.
11. Joint consultation
It is Academy policy to ensure that there is full consultation with representatives of the employees on all matters concerning health and safety at work.
Procedures are put in place to ensure all employees and people who we work with comply with our Health & Safety Policy. If additional external or internal training will be applicable for this matter, the Academy will arrange for that.
It is Academy policy to encourage every employee to seek to identify hazards within the work situation and to bring any hazards that are identified to the notice of the Principal without delay. To achieve this, he/she should report the hazard to his/her line manager, and/or to his/her Safety Representative (where and if applicable).
12. Health and Safety Coordinator
The Health & Safety Coordinator will be the focal point for day to day references on safety, and give advice or indicate sources of advice. He will act as a source for the retention and dissemination of safety information. The Health & Safety Coordinator will consult with the Principal responsible for health and safety in organizing safety lectures to students and staff. He will organize and assess effectiveness of fire drills and liaise, in consultation with the Fire Authority, on all matters relating to fire precautions. The Health & Safety Coordinator will accompany the departmental heads on some of their inspections.

The following are expressly forbidden and are offences against the law:

(a) any interference with the fire alarm installation or fire-fighting equipment
(b) any alteration or interference with the electrical wiring of the Academy buildings without permission of the Principal or the Academy Health & Safety Coordinator.

E) Individual responsibility

1. The Principal is responsible for:
a) devising any amendments to the Academy Health & Safety Policy as may be necessary, and enforcing the requirements of this policy
• allocating staff, funds and materials within the approved Academy budget or from central funds to meet the needs of the health and safety requirements of the Academy.
• appointing a Principal to be responsible for establishing and maintaining an effective policy for health and safety within the Academy.

2. Heads of major risk assessment areas
• will be designated, along with the areas they control for health and safety purposes, by the Principal and names and areas will be attached to the Health and Safety Policy and displayed on Notice Boards.
• will assist the Principal in establishing and maintaining an effective policy for health and safety at work within their designated areas.
• will be responsible for the risk assessment of all activities, processes, substances and work places within their designated area, when applicable. Where Academy’s lessons are held on School premises, the Principal will confirm with the School on the Risk Assessment procedures to follow them accordingly.

3. Academic leaders are responsible to Principal who is responsible for the major risk assessment areas:
• complying with all relevant legislation particularly that contained in “Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999”.
• implementing the Academy’s safety policies and procedures within their departments and work areas
• alerting the Health & Safety Committee of any item of safety equipment that may be required
• assisting in the investigation of accidents
• consulting regularly with the Health & Safety Coordinator, ensuring defects are rectified, and machinery and equipment adequately maintained

4. Academy Health & Safety Coordinator is responsible to the Principal for:
• monitoring Academy compliance with all relevant legislation particularly that contained in “Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999”.
• monitoring the general safety program, the Academy health and safety performance and for preparing reports on the health and safety standards within the Academy
• communicating between the Health & Safety Committee, the Heads of the Major Risk Assessment Areas and Heads of Department.
• liaising with the local Health and Safety Executive Officers
• inspecting the Academy a minimum of once in three months and at more regular intervals at his discretion where inspection reveals items requiring attention
• organizing the checking of fire drill procedures and keeping a record, checking all fire warning, fire fighting and emergency lighting equipment
• initiate first aid if appropriate

5. Teaching staff are responsible through their Head of Department for:-
• ensuring that the work of the Academy is carried out in accordance with the Academy Health & Safety Policy and its Codes of Practice
• the safety of students whilst they are in their charge, whether in or outside the Academy ensuring that clear safety instructions and warnings are given.
• personally following safe working procedures and observing general safety regulations
• ensuring that the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations are adhered to.
• reporting accidents immediately using the Academy report form and completing the necessary and appropriate accident forms
• ensuring that, in the event of a serious accident, nothing is disturbed at the scene of the accident, except as might be necessary for the removal of a casualty
• initiate first aid as appropriate

6. Technicians, Ancillary, Administrative, Manual Staff and all other staff not specifically identified in this policy statement are responsible for:
• ensuring that the work of the Academy is carried out in accordance with the Academy Health & Safety Policy and its Codes of Practice
• personally following safe working procedures and observing Academy and other safety regulations
• ensuring that they take the necessary safety precautions in the use of all equipment, premises and materials
• recording accidents immediately in the Academy Accident Book and completing the necessary and appropriate accident forms
• ensuring that in the event of a serious accident nothing is disturbed at the scene of the accident, except as might be necessary for the removal of a casualty.
• reporting defects to an immediate supervisor

7. Particular Hazards
(1) Children will not be permitted to play in areas of buildings and other Academy departmental buildings or surrounding areas which are considered hazardous. Children visiting specific sections of the Academy must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
(2.a) Any chemicals will be stored in accordance with relevant legislation and risk assessment requirements.
(2.b) Protective clothing will be similarly stored

F) Accidents to students and staff

1. If the accident is relatively minor and the casualty is moveable, the person in charge should arrange for the casualty to be attended by the relevant First Aid person. If the injury is more serious:
(1) Assess nature of injury and treat injury if appropriate, either
  1. Arrange for casualty to be conveyed either to the nearest Hospital, or
  2. Call an ambulance
2. If the unlikely event that an accident occurs where there are no telephone facilities. Stop the class, stay with the injured person, and send another student to Reception. The Receptionist will call the emergency service. A report will be completed by the Receptionist; this will be taken back to the scene of the accident as proof of the call being made.
3. First aid boxes are available on all relevant floors on the Campus as displayed on the campus.
4. First Aiders’ List is posted on Notice Boards and amended as necessary.
5. First aid should only be administered by a qualified first aid person and or appointed person.
6. All accidents must be reported to the Health and Safety Coordinator as soon as possible with information of action taken and treatment given.
7. Inform the Principal and Health & Safety Officer. The Principal will notify the parents and any other relevant authorities if necessary.
8. It is the responsibility of the person in charge when an accident occurs to fill in the Accident Report Book and Forms as soon as possible after the accident.

G) Health and safety training

Steps will be taken to ensure the staff and students are up to date regarding health and safety. Training will be managed by the Principal and coordinated by the Academy safety officer.

No Smoking Policy

Please note that due to the current legislation, smoking is forbidden in all Academy buildings, external public areas are excepted.
For the purposes of this policy ‘smoking’ will include the smoking of cigarettes, pipes and cigars.
You are responsible for ensuring that you and other members of staff adhere to this policy.
Disregarding this policy and agreements may be treated as gross misconduct under the disciplinary procedure.

Stress Management

There is a difference between stress and pressure. We all experience pressure on a daily basis, and need it to motivate us and enable us to perform at our best. It is when we experience too much pressure without the opportunity to recover that we start to experience stress. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) definition of stress is “the adverse reaction a person has to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed upon them”.

We can all feel stressed at times when we feel as though everything becomes too much, when things get on top of us, or when we feel as though we are unable to cope. It affects us in different ways at different times and is often the result of a combination of factors in our personal and working lives.
However, in most cases, work-related stress can only be effectively tackled by working with your manager to identify issues at source and agreeing realistic and workable ways to tackle these.

To help do this, the HSE has produced a leaflet entitled ‘Working together to reduce stress at work ‘- A guide for employees has been produced by the International Stress Management Association UK, and backed by the HSE and ACAS, explains what these are, and what you can do to help your manager to help you.

The HSE has identified standards that look at the six key areas of work that, if properly managed, can help to reduce work-related stress:
Demands – includes issues like workload, work patterns and the work environment
Control – how much say the person has in the way they do their work
Support – includes the encouragement, sponsorship and resources provided by the organisation, line management and colleagues
Relationships – includes promoting positive working to avoid conflict and dealing with unacceptable behaviour
Role – whether people understand their role within the organisation and whether the organisation ensures that they do not have conflicting roles
Change – how organisational change (large or small) is managed and communicated in the organisation.

The Academy has a counselling service that is available to staff through the Human Resources Department.


The Academy can make arrangements with an external, confidential counselling service for both our students and our employees, when is reasonable to do so and Impact A&C has the resources to do so. If you feel that you would benefit from using this facility, please contact the Head of Human Resources or Principal who will put you in touch with this service.

Drug, alcohol and substance abuse
The Academy seeks to ensure the safe running of the Academy by operating a drug, alcohol and substance abuse policy. Use, sale or purchase of illegal drugs and abuse of alcohol or substances is a disciplinary offence and can lead to dismissal.

Drug abuse
If you are found to be indulging in drug or substance abuse/misuse using illegal/legally obtainable substances, you will, in the absence of mitigating circumstances, be deemed to be committing an act of gross misconduct and will render yourself liable to dismissal under the Academy’s disciplinary procedure. This is also applicable if you enter the premises under the influence of such intoxicants. Any employee believed to be buying or selling drugs or in the possession of illegal drugs is also liable to be dismissed.

Alcohol abuse
You should at all times be capable of fulfilling your duties without impairment due to the consumption of alcohol. Where an individual is suspected of being unable to adequately perform his or her duties fully, then the opinion of a member of Directorate or the Head of Human Resources will be final. The individual may be requested to leave the work place and/or refrain from Academy duties.

You must remember that whilst you are engaged on Academy business you may be called upon to make decisions or communicate with other staff, students and third parties and it is essential that you are able to do so without putting others at risk or exposing the Academy to potential claims or embarrassment.

Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in disciplinary action being taken that may result in dismissal.

Substance abuse
If you are found using some other substance that could potentially endanger you or your work colleagues you will be deemed to be committing an act of gross misconduct. You will render yourself liable to dismissal without warning.

If you suspect anyone of being under the influence of substances you should advise your Manager immediately. The situation will be handled with utmost discretion.

Employer assistance
The Academy recognises that employees suffering from an alcohol, drug or substance problem may require advice and or medical treatment. The Academy will investigate such abuse and deal with each case in a manner deemed to be appropriate.

The Academy will assist with the rehabilitation of employees who voluntarily seek help for alcohol or drug related problems.

Advice and guidance will be sought in confidence from the Head of Human Resources where an individual is developing a problem that is not yet affecting their work or health. Where the problem has become more serious, the Human Resources will encourage the person to get further advice and to follow any prescribed treatment.

Help will be provided on the basis that:
• should the employee need to be absent from work this will be treated as normal sickness
• during long term/continuous absence, the employee sees a physician nominated by the Academy as frequently as the Academy deems necessary.

The employee’s manager will need to be aware of the situation and where the employee is absent for any length of time from work the manager will maintain regular contact and encourage the individual to return to his or her job after treatment. The Academy will make every effort to find alternative employment for employees who would be unable, for health reasons, to return to their previous duties.

The Academy has clear disciplinary rules concerning poor work performance, attendance and behaviour. Employees with drug or alcohol related problems will be subject to disciplinary action if they have not requested medical assistance; have refused treatment; have failed to complete treatment, or have relapsed after treatment.

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