Important notice: These terms and conditions contain a binding arbitration provision and a class action waiver. Please read it carefully because it affects your legal rights as detailed in the binding individual arbitration section below.

Effective Date: 1st August 2024

This Agreement governs your access to and use of: (a) the’ (b) the various "impact Academies & Camps" mobile software applications, ("Mobile Applications"): and (c) any private access portals for "Impact Academies & Camps" centres students and parents ("Portal(s)"). In this Agreement we use the terms "we" or "us" to refer to Rugan Ltd representing Impact Academies & Camps. We use the term "Platform" to refer to the Sites, Mobile Applications, and Portal(s) together, individually, and in any combination. This Agreement is intended to apply broadly and it governs any and all access and use of the Platform, the information or content contained in the Platform, and all aspects of the Services (defined below).
By using the Platform, you agree to this Agreement. If you do not agree to this Agreement, you may not use the Platform. 
You represent that you have the capacity to be bound by this Agreement and are legally authorized to make any and all reservations and purchases, or if you are acting on behalf of a company or other person or entity, that you have the authority to bind, and make such reservations and purchases on behalf of, such company, person or entity. In order to determine your compliance with this Agreement, we may monitor your access and use of the Platform and Service(s) in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Certain features of the Platform and/or Service(s) may be subject to additional terms that will be provided in connection with such features. Any and all such additional terms are incorporated by reference into this Agreement. In the event of a conflict between the additional terms and any provision in this Agreement, the additional terms will prevail, but only with respect to the Sites, the Portal(s) and/or any Service (defined below) to which the additional terms apply.
Rugan Ltd (represented by Impact Academies & Camps) reserves the right, at any time, to modify, alter, or update this Agreement without prior notice. Modifications shall become effective immediately upon being posted in the Platform. Your continued use of the Platform and/or any Service (defined below) after amendments are posted constitutes an acknowledgement and acceptance of the Agreement and its modifications. Except as provided in this paragraph, this Agreement may not be amended.

1. Admission to Impact Academies & Camps is subject to availability of the centre(s), tutor(s), course(s) and the suitability of students.
2. Impact Academies & Camps may refuse admission to any student it may reasonably deem to be unfit for the course. Impact A&C reserves the right to take steps it reasonably believes to be necessary to maintain discipline, ensure safety and wellbeing of staff and students.
3. Impact Academies & Camps may choose to hold an assessment session prior to enrolling a student onto a course & has the right to charge for this service.
4. Attendance at a taster session does not guarantee a place on a course.
5. Due to limited spaces, Impact Academies & Camps often works on a “first come, first served” basis. The centre reserves the right to allocate a reserved space to another student if full payment has not been made.
6. A place on the course is only confirmed once full course payment has been received (or in some cases, when the registration fee is received).
7. Impact Academies & Camps reserves the right to cancel a confirmed booking (even after full payment has been made) for reasons such as, but not limited to, overbooked sessions, tutor availability or unforeseeable circumstances.
8. No student may be admitted until the Enrolment Form has been completed and the terms and conditions acknowledged and ticked by a parent or legal guardian at the payment stage, and returned to Impact Academies & Camps, together with the enrolment fee of £55.00.

1. All payments are in the form of a subscription and are taken via a direct debit through Stripe. Payments are collected automatically on the same day of each month from when the parent started the subscription and made the first payment. E.g. - if the first payment was made on 4th September, the recurring payments will be collected on the 4th of each month. Enrolment and other fees will be processed separately.
2. Paying Annually - Full payment must be received within 14 calendar days of receiving the invoice to receive a discount. This payment can be received via Direct Debit and Bank Transfer. The payment for the full 9 months program will be set-up as a one-time payment.
3. Paying Monthly or Termly (every 3 months) - Monthly fees are paid a month in advance via Direct Debit. This is set-up as a recurring payment (every months / every 3 months) that will be automatically processed through Stripe as a direct debit.
4. Student/parents are free to stop payment at any time, without any obligations for further payments for upcoming classes or sessions for the following months. Parents can stop the direct debit themselves but they also must notify Impact A&C 7 days in advance of the next payment that they want to withdraw from the course. Once the direct debit is cancelled by the parent or Impact A&C, the parent will still be able to access and attend the lessons that are paid for already. No refund will be issued for the remaining lessons that are already paid for.
5. If a parent/student decides to discontinue their payments, Impact Academies & Camps has the right to withdraw the student from the course, and demand payment for any unpaid sessions it has already delivered.
6. Withdrawal from the course is only accepted upon a written confirmation from the parent/student, informing Impact Academies & Camps of their intention for withdrawing from the course.
7. If a parent/student decides to withdraw from a course (whether through a written statement or otherwise), and then decides to re-join the course, Impact Academies & Camps reserves the right to request full payment for any sessions missed in between.
8. Impact Academies & Camps does not provide any discounts or refunds for missed classes.
9. Provided Impact Academies & Camps has agreed for a parent to make payment(s) post training and payments are not made on the agreed time, Impact Academies & Camps has the right to legally demand any outstanding balance, as well as the cost for such procedures. Same rule will apply in the situations where the direct debit fails and the recurring payment is not processed, Impact A&C has the right to legally demand any outstanding balance.
10. The centre reserves the right to cancel a student’s place on a course if full payment (or an agreed payment plan) has not been made.
11. No payment made to Impact Academies & Camps is refundable.
12. At times Impact Academies & Camps may provide methods of catch up lessons, such as a private lessons or holiday camps. Impact Academies & Camps may charge for these services. If Impact Academies & Camps does not charge for this service and a customer withdraws from the course before making full payment for the course, Impact Academies & Camps will have the right to demand payments for the catch up lessons initially offered for free.

Price packages (in the form of subscription)
1. We offer subscriptions for 1 month (4 lessons), 3 months (12 lessons) and 9 months (36 lessons). All prices are shown on our website and might be subject to change.
2. Monthly and 3 months payments must be completed prior to the start of the course. For 9 months package, the payment may be offered to be made in 2 instalments (as an option).
3. Impact Academies & Camps does charge late payment fees. Please check below section for ‘Late Fees’.
4. Impact Academies & Camps reserves the right to withdraw students if a payment has been missed.
5. It is your responsibility to monitor standing order payments are being made regularly. Please contact your own bank to arrange the standing order.

Direct Debits
1. By setting up a direct debit through Stripe, you provide your consent to Impact Academies & Camps to initiate a payment or series of payments of your behalf. Please check all terms and conditions when you complete the first payment.
2. The default anticipated frequency of payments is once a month, however the exact frequency will be displayed when you’re setting up your direct debit plan.
3. The amount to be taken from your account will be displayed to you when setting up your direct debit plan.

Methods of payment
  • Credit Card / Debit Cards
  • Direct Bank Transfer - bank details below
  • Account Name: Rugan Ltd
  • Bank: Monzo Bank, Broadwalk House, 5 Appold St, London, EC2A 2AG
  • Sort Code: 04-00-03
  • Account Number: 01262125
  • IBAN: GB85 MONZ 0400 0301 2621 25

Late Fees
1. Where a Direct Debit setup has been cancelled and therefore we are unable to collect your payment for 8 consecutive days of the month, a late fee of £20.00 will be added to your account.
Late fees are applied to each monthly instalment that is late for example 1 month in arrears = £20.00, two months in arrears = £40.00, three months in arrears = £60.00 and so on, for payments that are 2.4 months in arrears the months will be rounded up and late fees applied accordingly.

Financial difficulties
1. If at any point you have difficulty in meeting your agreed payments, please contact a member of staff on 07440023258 or email
Please note: if we have not heard from you before your payment is due, late fees will apply.

Online sessions
1. Online sessions refers to studying a course outside of Impact Academies & Camps’s premises.
2. Students, or their parents / guardians, are responsible for ensuring they have access to the required hardware and software to study the course. This includes, but not limited to, computers, laptops, monitors, apps, programs, internet connections, headsets, microphones and gears. All expenses are to be paid for by the student or their guardian. Impact Academies & Camps holds no responsibilities to cover the cost for this in anyway or form. This includes, but not limited to, paying the supplying company or individual, reimbursements or discounts.
3. Students, or their guardians, are responsible to ensure a stable internet connection is available when joining online classes.
4. Students must be in a quiet room away from any distractions or noise.
5. Parents may need to be present to help students with any technical difficulties.
6. Impact A&C’s tutors or representatives will have the right to mute or remove students from online classrooms if they reasonably deem it to be in the interest of the company or other students.

Private Tuition
1. You may reschedule your class free of charge if you provide a minimum of 24 hours notice. This notice must be submitted in writing by emailing and must include the correct student and session details.
2. Failure to provide 24 hours notice for class rescheduling will be considered a “No Show” and will count towards your paid hours.
3. If your child has up to 2 “No Show” records, they may still complete the course and achieve their accredited qualification. Any additional “No Show” records will require makeup sessions. There will be a £25 re-booking fee per missed class.

Authority, Suspension & Expulsion
1. Impact Academies & Camps reserves the right to take steps it reasonably believes to be necessary to maintain discipline, ensure safety and wellbeing of staff, students & equipment.
2. Impact Academies & Camps reserves the right to suspend or remove any student whose attendance, work or behaviour is, in their reasonable opinion, unsatisfactory. Under such circumstances, Impact Academies & Camps will be under no obligation to return any fees & will have the right to demand payments for any unpaid sessions already delivered.

Trial Lessons
1. We may offer you a one-hour or two-hour long free trial lesson. The free trial lesson is available for children between the ages of 5 to 17.
2. Students outside of this age group may need to pay for their trial lessons.
3. The trial lesson must be booked by an adult, either a parent or legal guardian, who will be responsible for the child during the session.
4. Each child is entitled to one free trial lesson only.
5. Additional trial lessons beyond the initial one are available for a fee.
6. We reserve the right to cancel or re-schedule trial lessons for reasons such as instructor unavailability or technical issues. In such cases, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you in advance.
7. We reserve the right to cancel trial lessons if we deem you ineligible for reasons such as detection of spam or your geographical location.
8. Parents may reschedule a trial lesson once, free of charge, provided they do so at least 24 hours in advance of the originally scheduled lesson time.
9. All trial lessons are recorded for quality assurance and security purposes. Our tutors do not have the option to cancel recording during the lesson.
10. Parents or legal guardians may request the deletion of recorded lessons by contacting our customer support team. However it will be at the discretion of the Academy, with fair reasoning, to decide whether the recording should be deleted.
11. Any materials, content, or resources provided during the trial lesson remain the intellectual property of Impact A&C and may not be used or distributed without prior consent.
12. While we strive to provide a safe and engaging learning environment, we are not liable for any injuries, damages, or losses that may occur during the trial lesson.
13. You acknowledge that participation in the trial lesson carries inherent risks, and you assume full responsibility for your child’s participation.
14. We may terminate or suspend your access to the trial lesson service for violation of these Terms or for any other reason at our sole discretion.

Photography & Videoing at Software Academy
1. From time to time Impact Academies & Camps will take photos, videos, audio recording, interviews, written reviews & feedback of children during their time with us.
2. This content is solely for the use of advertising and marketing which may appear on third party material such as websites and leaflets.
3. By enrolling your child onto a course with us, you are providing your consent to this. For further information on this or to opt out please email us detailing this to:
4. Please provide the following information in your email: Name of Child, Course Booked & Date of Booking

Personal Property
1. It is advisable that students do not bring with them any valuables.
2. Impact Academies & Camps holds no responsibility for the loss and damage of any personal property.

Processing information
Impact Academies & Camps will ensure that your data is processed fairly and lawfully. We will process information only where:
1. the law allows us to, or
2. you have given your consent, or
3. we have received a court order

Ensuring your personal information is safe and accurate
1. Impact Academies & Camps ensures that information held on our computer systems and in our paper filing systems is secure to guard against unauthorised or unlawful processing or accidental loss, destruction of, or damage to personal data.
2. In order to carry out its functions, Impact Academies & Camps may receive information about you from others or give information to others, but we can only do this in accordance with the law.
3. Any third parties from whom we receive personal data or to whom we pass personal data are also required to comply with the Data Protection Act.
4. Impact Academies & Camps only collects and records personal information that is necessary to carry out its functions, nothing more.
5. The information that we record is based on fact and, where opinion is recorded, it is relevant and backed up.

Data sharing
1. Impact Academies & Camps will only share personal data with those organisations that it is legally required to, and where sharing personal data is necessary we will comply with the Data Protection Act.

Retaining information
1. We will only retain information if a business need exists. It is not kept longer than is necessary for that purpose.

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